

Resume Revamp

A new resume will be created based on the consultation and the resume provided. The resume will feature the following sections: professional profile/summary, professional/relevant experience, education, skills, certifications, affiliations, references, and contact information. Some sections may not be applicable.

LinkedIn Optimization

LinkedIn Optimization will provide engagement on one of the largest professional networking platforms. An updated profile with a professional photo, powerful summary, noteworthy experience, and applicable skills can attract hiring managers and/or executives.

Plug Package #1

A combined package of a resume and cover letter. This package is great for all position levels (Entry-Level, Experienced, Manager, Director, etc.).

Plug Package #2

An all-inclusive package of a resume, cover letter, and interview prep. This package is great for new college graduates who are seeking their first professional role or experienced professionals who are seeking promotion to leadership positions.

For every resume I complete, I will complete a resume for a rehabilitated person or individuals with criminal records, who are seeking a second chance. As an advocate for the people who deserve a second chance, I believe having platform to help others is part of my purpose. As you help me, you help someone else.
